Gilgandra Multi Purpose Service Accommodation Western NSW

The Gilgandra Multi Purpose Service provides acute and subacute, emergency, and residential aged care, oral health, primary health and community services. It also provides visiting practitioners and clinicians for allied health serivces. The nearest major referral hospital is about 40 minutes' drive away at Dubbo.
Accommodation Options for the Gilgandra Multi Purpose Service
Property NameRatingDistance from HospitalRoom TypesMax Guests Accommodation Description
Location of Accommodation Near the Gilgandra Multi Purpose Service Western NSW
About the Gilgandra Multi Purpose Service : Gilgandra is a country town in the Orana region of New South Wales and has a population of 2600 at the 2016 Census.
Hospital Address : 6 Chelmsford Avenue, Gilgandra, NSW 2827, Gilgandra, Western NSW
Gilgandra Multi Purpose Service Website :
For All Emergencies - Ambulance, Fire & Police - Call 000 (triple zero)
Poisons Information Centre - Phone: 131 126 Lifeline - Phone: 13 11 14
After Hours GP Helpline - Phone: 1800 022 222 SuicideLine - Phone: 1300 651 251
State Emergency Service - Phone: 132 500 Parentline - Phone: 132 289
  Kids Help Line - Phone: 1800 551 800